GSC Usher's Ministry


We strive to be the best amour bearers we can be for God, the Pastor, and the congregation.  We aim to help the Pastor oversee the flow of service by taking care of the necessities of the members of our congregation; to assist members, guests and visitors to feel comfortable and cared for; and to help grow and stabilize the church by earnestly welcoming everyone who come through our doors.


Ushers and greeters are the first line of welcome in the church – first impressions count!
Ushers should be friendly people who welcome all ages and all people in the House of God.
We are Christ’s ambassadors with a mission to help bring people to God. The hospitality of God is seen in us.
We welcome people to the Lord’s house with a smile that speaks more than a thousand words.
Our role is important because as it is the Lord we serve as we usher others into the church service.

Front (L to R) Sis. Vickie Talton; Sis. Sally Talton; Sis. Faye Davis; Sis Renee Lockett:                                             …

Front (L to R) Sis. Vickie Talton; Sis. Sally Talton; Sis. Faye Davis; Sis Renee Lockett:                                             Sis Brenda Banks

Back (L to R) Deacon Tem Youngblood; Sis Bobbie Atkins: Sis. Willie Crowder(President);                                        Sis. Loraine Wright: Deacon Johnny Crowder